Failosophy: Succeed by Failing Better


june 4 2018 was a terrible day…

That day, Apple announced a product called Screen Time that basically killed my startup, Onward. I had raised $3MM and hired a bunch of friends to come work with us, and now things were falling apart. In the process of coming to accept the reality of our situation, I realized something: I’ve had 2 successful exits and 3 failures. Why wasn’t this getting any easier? Put another way:

If failure is the best teacher, why does no one teach you how to fail better?

Exploring this topic led me down a very interesting path, weaving together my personal experience as an entrepreneur with an understanding of behavioral psychology, game theory and organizational development.

The things I’ve learned along the way can be consolidated into a single idea. I call this the Failosophy – a set of tools, techniques and tricks that can help you face your fear of failure, create an entrepreneurial culture, and succeed like never before. Now, I’m dedicating myself to helping you and your organization transform your life for the better. Here’s an overview of some of my speeches, including discussions about Philosophy:

If you’re not on the precipice of failure right now, you’re not living up to your full potential.

To find out more, visit or contact us to book a keynote or workshop.